School Year 2024 - 2025
Christmas All Star Performance
The 1st & 2nd Class have been hard at work for the past number of weeks under the expert guidance of Mrs Moroney working on their Inn-spectors. They have absolutely been outstanding, practicing hard learning their lines and songs. Thank you to Mrs Moroney and SNA's Susanne & Deirdre for their hard work in encouraging each and every child to shine.
We are currently working on poetry and rhyming couplets in 1st and 2nd class. Here are a few of our creations.
St Patrick's Day Parade
Amazing display of green today for Lá Glas and what a beautiful day for our local parade. Thank you to all the children and parents for their contribution to the Red Cross Ukraine Appeal.
Engineering Week 2022
There was great concentration and team work in 1st and 2nd class this week as they were challenged to build the highest tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti. As you can see from the pictures the boys and girls had lots of fun!
Science Week 2022
We spent lots of time this week learning about science. 1st and 2nd class learnt about force and reactions and had great fun carrying out experiments on these topics. The boys and girls made balloon rockets and inflatable hands.
Festive Friday
Well done to all our students, they were magnificent on Festive Friday with their Christmas colours. Wishing you all a wonderful, happy, healthy Christmas and New Year. Looking forward to seeing you all in 2022
Drama - Week 4
Today marked our last drama workshop and this week we had great fun using all the skills we learnt the previous few weeks creating lots of freeze frames and acting out particular scenes using both our imagination and real life scenarios. We would like to thank Catherine Sheridan for a great partnership which 1st and 2nd class really enjoyed over the last four weeks learning lots of drama skills and techniques while having great fun.
Paper Chain Challenge
Each pod was challenged to make a paper chain from only one piece of A4 paper. The aim of the task was to make the longest paper chain. Ms Lynch was delighted with the great teamwork and communication skills involved. Here are the results.
Drama - Week 3
Our third week of drama started off with some new fun warm-up games. Our favourite game this week was word association. This week, everybody loved acting out various scenes using their imagination e.g a waterfall, an elevator. It was great to see the originality and the variety and there was great fun performing the scenes. After this, the children described scenes from Charlie and the Chocolate factory before acting them out in pairs and small groups and performing them for the rest of the class. Finally in pairs, the boys and girls took on the roles of interviewer and interviewee and there was some fantastic acting out of various scenarios from both Charlie and the Chocolate factory and their own original creations. Later in the week, we created diary entries and artwork based on our drama work this week.
Drama - Week 2
We had great fun in our drama workshop this week. After lots of fun warm-up games, we used our class novel 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' as a theme for our activities. The boys and girls created a 'Role in the Wall' for each character from the story and came up with lots of personality traits and descriptors as well as questions they would like to ask the characters. After this, they came up with ideas for their own characters. Later in the week, everyone created a 'Role in the Wall' and designed an illustration of their character based on this work. In this week's workshop, there were also lots of opportunities for acting out and performing particular scenes from the novel.
Static Electricity
As part of Science Week, we carried out lots of experiments and investigations this week in 1st and 2nd Class. One of our favourites was investigating and creating static electricity. Static electricity is caused by an imbalance of electric charges and some examples we might be familiar with are lightning in the sky and getting a small shock from a door knob.
We used balloons and our bodies to create static electricity. We then used this static electricity to make Rice Krispies and paper dance.
We used balloons and our bodies to create static electricity. We then used this static electricity to make Rice Krispies and paper dance.
Drama - Week 1
We are delighted to welcome Catherine Sheridan to Lurga NS for some drama workshops as part of the Teacher Artist Partnership. The Teacher-Artist Partnership (TAP) is a unique Department of Education and Skills initiative which nurtures the abilities and commitment of artists and teachers for the promotion of arts-in-education and first and second class are very excited to be taking part this year. We are very lucky to be working with Catherine who is a drama lecturer, facilitator, director, playwright, actor, producer and project manager.
Week 1 was a great introduction to drama and involved lots of great fun and games. As a class, the boys and girls developed a drama contract to get the most out of our drama workshops. We then played lots of games and participated in fun activities with a focus on using our imaginations and being creative. Some of our favourite activities from this week included inventing a secret handshake with our partner, playing 'What are you doing?' and mirroring our partners.
Week 1 was a great introduction to drama and involved lots of great fun and games. As a class, the boys and girls developed a drama contract to get the most out of our drama workshops. We then played lots of games and participated in fun activities with a focus on using our imaginations and being creative. Some of our favourite activities from this week included inventing a secret handshake with our partner, playing 'What are you doing?' and mirroring our partners.
Have A Great Mid Term
Scarecrow Fun
There was great teamwork, fun and excitement in first and second class the past two weeks as all the boys and girls planned and designed individual scarecrows and also worked together to make a class scarecrow. Thank you to all who brought in the various parts of our scarecrow.
Mé Féin
1st and 2nd Class have been learning about all the parts of the body as Gaeilge. Have a look at their lovely pictures!
What a wonderful day we had for our Sports Day made all the more magical due to our new pitch. Thank you to everyone who made it so special
Easter Excitement
Wishing you all a wonderful Easter Break and thank you to all the parents who supported our Easter Madness today. Congratulations to Ciara, Christopher and Jessica on their super artwork and raffle prize winner.
Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona duit!
May you enjoy many Irish blessings this St. Patrick's Day!
Volcanic Eruptions
We recently carried out a science experiment to see what happened when we mixed an acid (vinegar) and a base (baking soda). The result was an erupting volcano. Each person in the group had a job to do and everyone showed great teamwork. As you can see the girls and boys had great fun carrying out their experiment.
Artists at Work
Our 1st and 2nd class artists creating Spring pictures.
Welcome back to Mrs Fogarty’s Junior and Senior Infants and Ms Lynch’s First and Second Classes who as you can see are having a great day back at school.
1st class & 2nd class
Welcome to the 1st class and 2nd class room.
There are 27 children in total in our 1st and 2nd class, 15 children in 1st class and 12 children in 2nd class. 1st class are currently busy working on their reading, maths and creative writing. In addition to all this, 2nd class will be extremely busy this year preparing for their First Penance and First Holy Communion celebrations. |
2020-2021 School Year
Credit Union Art Competition
Have a look at all the fabulous creative entries for the Credit Union Art Competition. The theme this year was imagine more.
Thank you kindly to Clare Education Centre for loaning Lurga a set of iPads for the past two weeks. As you can see, 1st and 2nd class had lots of fun exploring educational and creative apps on the iPads.
2-D Shapes
We took advantage of the lovely weather last week and after learning about 2D shapes, we went outside and drew pictures using 2D shapes with chalk on the yard. 1st class also had been reading about playground games in their English book so you might spot some children playing hopscotch which they also created.
Maths Stations
1st and 2nd class boys and girls have made a great return to school and have settled in very well in their respective classes. They love using concrete materials to work on their counting, addition and subtraction, problem solving and construction skills during our maths lessons.
2019-2020 School Year
Marshmallow and Toothpick Challenge
Recently, 1st and 2nd class undertook a marshmallow and toothpick challenge as part of Engineer's Week. In small groups, the children were challenged to design and make a tower. The aim was to make the tallest tower which stood independently for 30 seconds. The boys and girls had great fun and showed excellent team work and problem solving skills in making their towers.
Project Work
The boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class had great fun researching and presenting projects. The children choose a topic of interest and spent some time researching it on the laptops. They then gathered all the information and presented it to the class.
Skittle Rainbow Science Experiment
This week, we carried out a fun science investigation. Here are the instructions if you would like to try it again at home.
What you need:
White plate
1. Arrange the Skittles in a single row coloured pattern around the edge of the plate.
2. Pour over enough water to cover all the Skittles and the plate itself.
3. Watch and wait as a rainbow appears on the plate, the colours will move towards the middle and create a whirl of colour.
What you need:
White plate
1. Arrange the Skittles in a single row coloured pattern around the edge of the plate.
2. Pour over enough water to cover all the Skittles and the plate itself.
3. Watch and wait as a rainbow appears on the plate, the colours will move towards the middle and create a whirl of colour.
Dream Catchers
As part of the weaving strand in Arts and crafts, we recently made dream catchers in our art lesson to practice out weaving skills. The children first designed their background before weaving wool and adding decorations. As you can see below, they turned out beautifully.
All the children in 1st and 2nd class were very excited to use the iPads which were on loan from Clare Education Centre last week. We used them to play maths games, look up information and in our literacy stations. We look forward to getting them back in Lurga again.
Credit Union Art Competition
Best of luck to the boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class who entered the Gort Credit Union Art Competition. The theme for the competition this year was 'The Walk of Life'. Children were encouraged to draw inspiration from positive experiences they might see in their local community or wider society and they had full artistic freedom to express their thoughts, opinion, visions and hopes on the theme throughout their artwork.
Halloween Silhouette Art
Over the last two weeks in art we made Halloween silhouette pictures. Firstly we painted the background and then we decorated them with lots of eerie and interesting halloween silhouettes this week.
Sea of Galilee Collages
The boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class were learning about the story of Jesus meeting Simon Peter and Andrew in the Sea of Galilee this week as part of our Religion Lessons. Following on from this, the children made group collages in their art lesson to represent the story. Everyone worked really well together and made very imaginative and creative collages.
Nature Decorations
To celebrate the wonderful weather we had the past week, 1st and 2nd class were encouraged to get out into nature and collect some leaves and petals for an arts and crafts lesson.
It was fantastic to hear all about the lovely walks, cycles and explorations the boys and girls went on with their brothers, sisters, parents and grandparents. There was a great variety of places the children explored such as their own gardens, country lanes, playgrounds, river walks and Coole Park. We then made lovely nature decorations with the leaves and petals. Everybody had great fun creating their own unique decoration. |
2018-2019 School Year
Achievement Assembly
During the 2018-2019 school year, the children from Lurga took part in lots of different competitions, gradings, and shows. The children won lots of medals, cups, rosettes, certificates and even a belt in a wide range of sports and activities such as hurling, soccer, swimming, jiu jitsu, tennis, taekwondo, Irish dancing, horse-riding and hand-writing. All the teachers are very proud of these wonderful talents and achievements and a special assembly was held to celebrate them.
School Tour
A very excited 1st and 2nd class went to Limerick on their school tour last Friday. The boys and girls took part in lots of thrilling, challenging, fun and unique activities which included the Air Jumper, Zorbee Ball Roll, Wrecking Ball, Disco Dome, Wobbly Ladder, Human Table Football, Super Slide Air Mountain, Connect 4 in a throw, Ultimate Playzone and Unihoc Speedstacking. They all had a great time as you can see from the photos!
Hurling Blitz
Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd Class travelled to Kilbeacanty National School to take part in a Hurling Blitz. There were three schools present; Lurga, Kilbeacanty and Lough Cutra. The boys and girls were divided up into teams and took part in lots of games. There was a fantastic display of hurling skills on show and everyone had a great day.
Maths Fun!
We have been learning about weight this week in maths. We had lots of fun doing practical work using the balances to measure various objects focusing on vocabulary like heavier, lighter, kilogram, 1/2 kilogram and 1/4 kilogram.
Engineers Week
Last week, 1st and 2nd class completed some challenges to celebrate Engineers Week.
First, each child made and designed a paper plane. They then had great fun testing and racing their planes which could fly the entire length of the classroom! Next, the boys and girls were given the challenge to build a tower in small groups. Each group were given the same amount of dried spaghetti and marshmallows and were challenged to create the highest tower which could stand on its own. All of the children worked really hard on their problem-solving and teamwork skills and had lots of fun in the process. |
French Skipping
The boys and girls in 1st and 2nd class recently interviewed their parents and grandparents about their time in school and came up with some similarities and differences between their school life and that of their parents and grandparents. One thing that the children noticed was a lot of their parents played a game called French Skipping out on the yard when they were in school.
Mrs Lundon-Scanlon and Loretta kindly arranged for us to get some French skipping ropes and the boys and girls had great fun learning how to use them in PE.
Mrs Lundon-Scanlon and Loretta kindly arranged for us to get some French skipping ropes and the boys and girls had great fun learning how to use them in PE.
Pancake Tuesday
We learned a poem about pancakes and performed it in our class groups.
Pancake Tuesday Pancakes, pancakes, oh so yummy, Pancakes, pancakes, in my tummy! Sprinkled with sugar, they're nice and sweet, Pancakes, pancakes, what a treat! Toss them and flip them in the pan, We will make as many as we can! Pancake Tuesday comes once a year, If you love pancakes, give a cheer! Little Miss Teacher Blog |
Bricí Spraoi
We were very lucky this week to have the Imagination Playground from Bricí Spraoi visit Lurga NS.
The Imagination Playground is a playscape concept designed to encourage child-directed free play.
1st and 2nd class had lots of fun working in small groups to design various creations using their imagination.
Each group then got the opportunity to present their design to the rest of the children.
The Imagination Playground is a playscape concept designed to encourage child-directed free play.
1st and 2nd class had lots of fun working in small groups to design various creations using their imagination.
Each group then got the opportunity to present their design to the rest of the children.
Project Work
Lately, the children in 1st and 2nd class have been working in groups to research different topics on the laptops and present their information to the class.
The boys and girls have done a fantastic job finding information on the internet and then presenting it to their classmates. They showed great teamwork and communication skills.
The boys and girls have done a fantastic job finding information on the internet and then presenting it to their classmates. They showed great teamwork and communication skills.
Valentine's Day Art
1st and 2nd class were busy making striking heart creations using oil pastels to celebrate St Valentine's Day. We also learned about the history of St Valentine and made beautiful cards.
we are all different and Unique
Firework Printing
As part of the printing strand of art, we created our own stamps using straws and pipe cleaners and used them to make colourful firework print art.
We used lots of bright colours to represent the fireworks and printed them on to black paper. Everyone in 1st and 2nd class had great fun making their prints.
We used lots of bright colours to represent the fireworks and printed them on to black paper. Everyone in 1st and 2nd class had great fun making their prints.